We are committed to environmental and climate protection!
Sustainable management: More of it, please!
Competitive advantages
Financial advantages
Ethical responsibility
That’s why we want to get involved in environmental and climate protection. In doing so, we have found that we have already implemented many good ideas. After all, if you are environmentally conscious in your private life, you also have the right to work in a company that operates sustainably.
Of course, we want to do even better and are therefore taking a conscious and proactive approach to the issue.
How we live environmental and climate protection
Cartago übernimmt aktiv soziale Verantwortung in Landshut. Denn Firmenchef Manuel Niemeyer ist überzeugt davon, dass die äußere Leistungsfähigkeit auf der Kraft der inneren Stärke beruht. Darum unterstützen er und sein Team tatkräftig verschiedene soziale Projekte in Landshut. – der wunderschönen gotischen Stadt vor den Toren Münchens – der Heimat des Unternehmens. Gerade Corona hat gezeigt, dass in Bezug auf Familie und die soziale Situation vor Ort noch viel getan werden muss. Gefördert werden Projekte und Aktionen, die den Teammitgliedern besonders am Herzen liegen.
Our partners Strato and Hetzner rely on renewable energies, energy-efficient hardware and also indirect minimization of all emissions, up to the complete compensation of the CO₂ footprint.
Apart from the fact that we only print what is necessary, we only use refillable cartridges.
Once a month we have pizza day. We use it to talk about sustainability as a team. Openly and constructively. Through the discussions and our measures, we not only minimize our carbon footprint, but also strengthen the awareness of the entire team to act sustainably. At home and in the office.
Turning off appliances, unplugging, turning down the heat. Everyone actively participates.
Awarded for environmental and climate protection
The Bavarian Ministry of the Environment would like to motivate companies and state institutions to commit themselves to environmental and climate protection. That is why it has launched the Environment and Climate Pact. The Cartago team is proud to announce that in January 2023, the company was awarded the certificate of the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment for its commitment to environmental and climate protection as part of this initiative. “We have set ourselves the goal of solving the digital transformation in document management in a sustainable, smart and cost-reducing way – for a greener world. In doing so, the combination of ecology and economy is almost anchored in our corporate DNA,” explains Managing Director Manuel Niemeyer. Cartago is thus sending out a green signal for the future.

Digital and paperless for a greener world
Project examples for sustainable business
- Digital payroll for a major automotive company
- Digital acceptance of prefabricated houses: House inspection and associated expert reports
- Online store for discounter
- Digital files/ personnel files for the public sector and social economy
- Digital signature
- Digital dispatch letters - delivery letters with subsequent archiving for production and industry
- Digital label design to streamline shipping documents by creating barcodes
- Digital insurance and damage reports
- Digital contract creation