Cartago® Live Workspace
Interactive document processing
Flexible. Quality assurance. Maximising processes.

Document workflow with a maximum overview
The Cartago®Live Workspace is the interactive workspace of the Cartago®Live Suite. The clerk can access and edit the document templates here which had been previously created in Cartago®Live Designer. The Cartago®Live Workspace optimises business processes and increases the efficiency of document workflows by deploying a multitude of functions.
It offers a number of functionalities to meet the requirements of a consistent corporate design and quality assurance as well as WYSIWYG lettering. For example, customer names, numbers or the date on documents can never be forgotten again thanks to the specific form areas in Cartago®Live Designer for filling out and rewriting. Forms can be checked and adjusted according to the “four-eyes principle”. Users can process any business transactions included in the “to-do queues” in a structured manner. This means that everyone in the team retains a maximum overview.
Interactive workstation
The Cartago®Live Workspace is an interactive workplace for clerks. It combines the flexibility of modern WYSIWYG letter writing with the requirements of a consistent corporate design and the automated processing of business transactions. It therefore provides a process-oriented and flexible solution for interactive document processing.
Reusable objects
Reusable objects such as text modules, logos or headers and footers are created and managed in Cartago®Live Designer. Any changes and revisions are therefore made remotely and are automatically made available to the user in the Cartago®Live Workspace. The Cartago®Live Workspace therefore offers genuine flexibility for interactive document processing.
Connection to master data
The Cartago®Live Workspace can also be easily and flexibly connected to the master data management systems. The relevant client and business transaction data can be added so that the templates in the workspace are already pre-filled with the correct data. The clerk then only needs to finalise the document.
Flexible workflow integration
The consistent use of standards enables the Cartago®Live Workspace to be quickly and easily integrated into existing document workflows. It provides real flexibility while maintaining high security standards because of its service-oriented architecture.
To-do queues
All information, documents and tasks for each user are summarised in the Cartago®Live Workspace. Clerks and managers can use the “to-do queues” both to organise and manage the finalisation of business transactions. This maximises the business processes and increases workflow efficiency.
The four eyes principle
The Cartago®Live Workspace also offers a “four-eyes principle” as well as extensive quality assurance features. This allows changes to forms and templates, as well as technical changes to be checked and approved by another entity. “To-do queues” are available to users so that these checking processes can be maximised.
Optimised quality control
The Cartago®Live Workspace offers integrated and flexibly configurable quality control mechanisms. This ensures that corporate design and governance standards are adhered to even with updates and template revisions.

The benefits at a glance
The optimisation of workflow and business processes
- Interactive document editing
- Simple and consistent integration into existing processes
- To-do queues for maximising processes
- Using objects which can be recycled
- Flexible workflow integration
- Transparent workflow a with maximum overview
- Effective categorisation of client data and contents
Quality assurance
- Numerous functionalities for quality control
- Securing contents
- Optimised quality control
- “Four-eyes principle” for quality assurance
- Implementing the CI
Simple operation
- WYSIWYG lettering
- Barcodes und QR codes
- Drag & drop
- PDF preview feature
- “Train-the-Trainer” training courses